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Steps to connect and manage website data sources.

Website data sources enrich your chatbot's responses by connecting to available online information. You can do the same with data from your website.
Algomo has the capacity to extract data from thousands of pages on a website, ensuring your visitors have access to the information they require. This data source allows you to re-scrape the website whenever necessary to keep your data up to date.
There are two modes to website data sources:
  • Scrape - This option allows you to save the information on your website pages within Algomo.
    • Requires manual updating by clicking Refresh on the data source.
    • Limited to 200 pages (optional upgrade available, contact us)
  • Search - This option allows you to search the website and return results.
    • Instant setup
    • Updates automatically
    • No limits on the number of pages


  • The website must be publicly accessible (i.e. not behind a login page).
  • The website must be searchable. (For search - your site must be indexed by Bing)

Adding Website Data Sources

  1. Navigate to Algomo > Data Sources > Website.
  1. Enter the URL of the website you want to scrape or search.
  1. Edit the Name field to your liking.
  1. Select the Scrape or Search option.
  1. Edit the Exclude a webpage field to exclude specific webpages from being scraped or searched (optional).
  1. Press the Create button to create your website data source.


  • If you are protected by CloudFlare, we may not be able to scrape your website information. If scraping website fails, please contact us via the chat widget on the bottom right corner.
  • Scrape only downloads textual information, Algomo currently does not save images. However, links to images embedded within chunks of text will be saved.
  • Algomo does not download dynamically generated content from your website (eg. Javascript generated text or sections). If your website is largely dynamically generated, get in touch with us via the chat widget on the bottom right corner and we will see if there is a custom solution for you!

Your data source is now ready to be used by your chatbot. See Usage for more information on how to use your data sources.
Last updated on Feb 7, 2024

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